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Session title: Db2 for z/OS: Exploiting Large Real Storage Resources on IBM Z
Session abstract: z/OS LPAR real storage resources are getting larger and larger: it is no longer unusual to see LPARs with several hundred gigabytes of memory. As real storage sizes have grown, Db2 for z/OS has expanded the opportunities available for exploiting this resource for enhanced system and application performance and CPU efficiency.
This session will provide: recommendations regarding a “balanced” z/OS configuration, from a memory perspective; information on traditional avenues of Db2 for z/OS memory exploitation (e.g., buffer pools); and an overview of new memory-leveraging features of Db2 12 (e.g., index fast traverse blocks)
Speaker biography: Robert Catterall is a Senior Consulting Db2 for z/OS Specialist. He started his IT career with IBM in 1982, and worked throughout the 1990s as a member of the Company’s DB2 for z/OS National Technical Support team. From 2000 to 2007, Robert worked as a database technology strategist for CheckFree (now part of Fiserv). After working for three years as an independent DB2 consultant, he rejoined IBM in 2010. Robert is a past President of IDUG, a member of IDUG’s Speakers Hall of Fame, and was one of IBM’s inaugural Information Champions. He presents frequently at conferences, and blogs about DB2 for z/OS at