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Session title: Db2 12 for z/OS, Continuous Delivery, Function Levels and Application Compatibility (APPLCOMPAT)
Session abstract: Db2 12 for z/OS continuous delivery means new capabilities are added to your Db2 environment as you apply maintenance. There is a lot of flexibility in how you manage the introduction of some of those capabilities to your applications. “A lot of flexibility” also means a lot of choices.
This session will discuss approaches and recommendations to making those choices, especially setting APPLCOMPAT in DSNZPARM and in various packages.
Speaker biography: Mark Rader is a Db2 for z/OS specialist in the IBM Advanced Technology Group (formerly Washington Systems Center). He has over 37 years of technical experience with IBM, and over 30 years with Db2 for z/OS. He has led many Db2 data sharing implementations and has presented a variety of topics at conferences, including IDUG, SHARE, IBM Technical University and at regional Db2 user group meetings. He has worked closely with Db2 development in delivering the Early Support Programs for Db2 10, Db2 11, and Db2 12. He is an author of redbooks on Parallel Sysplex application considerations, Db2 data sharing, and Db2 for z/OS distributed function.