The zGui (r)evolution – First hands on experience and best practices

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Session title: The zGui (r)evolution – First hands on experience and best practices

Session abstract: The evolution of the mainframe had a variety of GUI approaches, some lasted for a while, some never took off at all. However, it was never THE COMMON ecosystem used by all products and all vendors. At the 2018 SHARE, IBM, Rocket Software and CA Technologies announced ZOWE – THE z ecosystem to securely manage, control, script and develop. Of course, an announcement is probably not the final truth, but from what I’ve already seen and used I’m more than enthused. Continue reading “The zGui (r)evolution – First hands on experience and best practices”

Db2 for z/OS Migration Planning and Early Experiences

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Session title: Db2 for z/OS Migration Planning and Early Experiences

Session abstract: This session will cover: share lessons learned, surprises, pitfalls; provide hints and tips; address some myths; provide additional planning information; provide usage guidelines and positioning on new enhancements; Help customers migrate as fast as possible, but safely. Continue reading “Db2 for z/OS Migration Planning and Early Experiences”

DB2 HADR Multiple Standby Deep Dive

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Session title: DB2 HADR Multiple Standby Deep Dive

Session abstract: In this presentation we will examine the HA and DR options available for DB2.  This will be followed by a deep drive in the workings of DB2’s HADR technology with a specific focus on how running HADR with Multiple Standbys changes operations.  We will walk to several failure scenarios describing how the HADR technology will react. Continue reading “DB2 HADR Multiple Standby Deep Dive”

Data Virtualization and Project Queryplex

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Session title: Data Virtualization and Project Queryplex

Session abstract: Regardless of the industry, data has become a fundamental driver in today’s business decisions.  Businesses pivot and remain competitive based on the analytics performed on that data.  Increasingly that data comes from more and more sources, its volume is increasing at an exponential rate, and need for insight is increasingly real-time. Continue reading “Data Virtualization and Project Queryplex”

Advanced Performance Diagnostics for SQL

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Session title: Advanced Performance Diagnostics for SQL

Session abstract: Db2 provides a number of important features for diagnosing and solving your SQL problems. Through a series of practical examples, this session will introduce you to the latest Db2 capabilities available for SQL diagnostics and show you how you can leverage them to solve query problems in your own environment. Continue reading “Advanced Performance Diagnostics for SQL”

Machine Learning for z/OS

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Session title: Machine Learning for z/OS

Session abstract: Gain an overall understanding of Machine Learning for z/OS and its role in enabling advanced analytics on IBM Z. You will learn how this machine learning technology integrates with Db2 Analytics Accelerator and Db2 for z/OS to drive real-time insight on an enterprise scale. Continue reading “Machine Learning for z/OS”

Security for a Modern Mainframe Database Environment

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Session title: Security for a Modern Mainframe Database Environment

Session abstract: IBM’s mainframe security is well known for being hacker resistant. However, the deployment of technology depends on a combination of people, process and technology. Some of those processes, like authentication, begin on desktops and mobile devices that are outside the mainframe security controls and most susceptible to theft, key logging and other means to enable unauthorized personnel to access mainframe systems. Continue reading “Security for a Modern Mainframe Database Environment”