Db2 Update

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Session title: Db2 Update

Session abstract: In this session we will be taking a look at the latest release of Db2. Db2 11.5.5 just hit the market at the end of 2020 and has a lot of new high value capabilities such as addressing the needs of modernization, both from a deployment perspective and from a workload perspective.

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How to Do Almost Everything (to Administer Db2) via SQL and Jupyter Notebook

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Session title: How to Do Almost Everything (to Administer Db2) via SQL and Jupyter Notebook

Session abstract: Over time, Db2 has added the ability to do more and more via SQL. Join this session to learn how to administer Db2 largely through SQL. Examples will be provided via Juptyer Notebook, but will be entirely in SQL. All examples will be run remotely, requiring no direct server login.

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Are you happy or are you still deprecated?

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Session title: Are you happy or are you still deprecated?

Session abstract: Db2 has grown a lot over the years and, partly due to this, it carries around a ton of old baggage. It is definitely the right time to start crawling through the Db2 catalog and review any and all of the “deprecated” objects that are hanging around still nailed to their perches! Continue reading “Are you happy or are you still deprecated?”