New Frontiers in Leveraging z/OS Real Storage for Optimal Db2 Performance

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Session title: New Frontiers in Leveraging z/OS Real Storage for Optimal Db2 Performance

Session abstract: z/OS LPAR real storage resources are getting larger and larger, and Db2 keeps providing new ways to leverage that resource for enhanced application performance. In this session, I’ll talk about assessing a z/OS LPAR’s real storage resource, and then I’ll explain how to optimize a Db2 buffer pool configuration, utilize thread memory for CPU savings, effectively manage EDM pool space, and more.
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Is your test data as agile as your development?

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Session title: Is your test data as agile as your development?

Session abstract: We will discuss the issues that must be dealt with to supply test beds of vastly different sizes with fresh data quickly, efficiently and automatically. As developers switch to agile processes, their test data requirements change and fresh data is needed multiple times per day. Your test data provisioning strategy needs to keep pace with these demands.

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Db2 Query Optimization 101 session

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Session title: Db2 Query Optimization 101 session

Session abstract: Optimal query access plans are essential for good data server performance and it is the Db2 query optimizer’s job to choose the best access plan. The optimizer is a very sophisticated component of the data server, tasked with the challenging job of choosing good access plans for the variety of features and table organizations supported by Db2.

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Best practices: Step by step instructions to configure a secure database system

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Session title: Best practices: Step by step instructions to configure a secure database system

Session abstract: From installation to rolling into production ; security impacts every step of setting up a database system. From the OS ; to authentication ; authorization ; encryption and auditing ; a locked down database is a necessity in today’s world.

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Let Me Make This Clear: Explaining Often-Misunderstood Db2 for z/OS Concepts and Facilities

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Session title: Let Me Make This Clear: Explaining Often-Misunderstood Db2 for z/OS Concepts and Facilities

Session abstract: Some aspects of Db2 for z/OS technology are plain as day; others, less so. Questions I get from Db2 users worldwide have highlighted for me things that a lot of folks – even very experienced Db2 people – tend to misunderstand. From APPLCOMPAT to contiguous buffer pools, from MAXDBAT to the IBM Data Server Driver package collection, in this session I’ll try to take folks from “Uh” to “Oh!”
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What Organizations are Doing (and Looking to Do) with Db2 for z/OS: Trends and Directions

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Session title: What Organizations are Doing (and Looking to Do) with Db2 for z/OS: Trends and Directions

Session abstract: You may have seen Db2 for z/OS “trends and directions” presentations at various conferences and user group meetings. They are typically given by the IBM Director of Db2 for z/OS Development, together with one of the senior architects on the development team, and they provide a look into the future: where is IBM taking the product?
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Db2 12 for z/OS, Continuous Delivery, Function Levels and Application Compatibility (APPLCOMPAT)

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Session title: Db2 12 for z/OS, Continuous Delivery, Function Levels and Application Compatibility (APPLCOMPAT)

Session abstract: Db2 12 for z/OS continuous delivery means new capabilities are added to your Db2 environment as you apply maintenance. There is a lot of flexibility in how you manage the introduction of some of those capabilities to your applications. “A lot of flexibility” also means a lot of choices.
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