Session title: Finding CPU & MSU Gold in Legacy COBOL Stored Procedure Code
Session abstract: With the introduction of DB2 native stored procedures one thing is consistent. The percentage of zIIP elligible MIP’s has increased significantly over the past several years.Tcorem stands for, ‘Total Cost of Remediation’, and our desire was to provide a DB2 one time evolutionary automated conversion solution to convert your COBOL stored procedures to native procedures. Providing a short ROI that resulted in lowering your MIP and MSU mainframe cost. Since most of you have or will be moving to DB2 for z/OS V11, and others may be migrating some of your DB2 z/OS applications to DB2 LUW.
The DB2 V11 language performance numbers compares the cost of COBOL stored procedures versus SQL/PL stored procedures. SQL/PL clearly provides the lowest zIIP price point, .47 verses .74 of a standard COBOL stored procedure running on a zIIP engine. It is easy to measure your potential saving by looking at the total resource consumption of your remote access DRDA/DDF COBOL stored procedure transaction workload and multiplying by the 35%.
Speaker biography: Nate was a founding member of the International DB2 Users Group (IDUG). He was recognized by IBM as an Information Champion in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
His main activity is linked to DB2 for z/OS and LUW performance. Currently, he is Executive Senior VP of Tcorem and President of Nate Murphy & Associates. Specializing in the conversion and testing of COBOL external stored procedures to native stored procedures. Nate Murphy has fifty one years of mainframe innovative information technology experience. He has an extensive background in continuous operational mainframe mission-critical database management systems and testing. He is one of those rare ‘fifth level’ assembler programmers. He is currently president of the Tridex DB2 LUW & z/OS database users groups in NY and member of the Philadelphia DB2 database users group (DVDUG) Board of Directors.