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Session title: Db2 UDFs: Beyond the Basics
Session abstract: Db2 User Defined Functions (UDFs) are a largely ignored tool in the developer’s armoury, providing exciting and in some cases unique capabilities. This presentation will go beyond creating simple UDFs to look at more complex use cases and capabilities.
A particular focus will be on table UDFs and why they sometimes are better than stored procedures.
Speaker biography: Philip Nelson has used DB2 (for z/OS) since 1989 and DB2 (for LUW) since the beginning. He has been an IDUG volunteer since 1998; and has served as a conference presenter; IDUG Solutions Journal contributor and editor; Content Committee leader and most recently on the EMEA Conference Planning Committee. His interests include database design and performance tuning but especially exploitation of DB2 with new and emerging technologies. He has been an early adopter of pureXML; temporal support; cloud deployments and JSON support.